Karim Muhammad Digital Essay

The Technology Acceptable Use Policy


                The acceptable use policy provides the procedures, rules, guidelines, and codes of conduct for the use of technology in a school. Technology has become more of a necessity over the past years. Although you see a lot of computers and smart technology in schools today, technology is provided as a privilege to students and staff. The technology acceptable use policy sets limitations on the use of computers and restrict the abuse of the internet. The reduction of computer abuse provides more adequate resources for users with legitimate needs.


            Public technology includes wireless and LAN access, electronic mail, internet access, printing devices, Voice Mail systems, and all other types of networking and communication that is covered in the policy. All users, including staff, are required to be good technology users by refraining from activities that disrupt the process of learning of their peers, can be considered immoral and unprofessional, and/or be considered as illegal. Students and staff are responsible for their own actions when handling technology. Failure to comply with the guidelines of the TAUP can result in the loss of technology in the facility/building or other appropriate actions. More severe actions may result in a criminal case.


            Students may only use computers, computer accounts, and computer files that they have been authorized to use. Use of another’s account and the attempt to use another’s account without permission from that person is strictly prohibited. You are responsible for knowing the regulations and rules of the policy before one has access to a computer or other device.

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